Mujer de 24 años con los “labios más grandes” del mundo gastó 5.000 dólares en rellenos y aún quiere agrandarlos MÁS

Everyone is beautiful in their unique way – and everyone being different is what makes the world such a colorful and amazing place.

However, a big part of the population is not happy with their appearance, the false image of perfection the fashion industry and the media push on to us, puts our “imperfections” in a negative light, forcing people that don’t feel “pretty” to resort to heavy make-up, injections, and even cosmetic surgery.

While most people are happy with small and precise retouches here and there, others just go balls to the wall with surgery.

One of these people is 24-year-old Andrea Ivanova – who has an obsession with the size of her lips.

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With hyaluronic acid lip injections, she’s gotten a huge pair of lips. Her life’s goal is to get to the biggest lips in the world.

Now, according to her statement, she will soon get there.

Andrea, who hails from Sofia, the capital and largest city of Bulgaria, has continued with her expensive, risky, and controversial interventions.

The Bulgarian is now up to 27 interventions – and has quadrupled the size of her lips, reports Unilad.

“I like them a lot and feel much better,” Andrea told Jam Press.

Spent about $5,000

Her odd lifestyle is not free.

Each injection costs about $150 in Bulgaria – and she has thus spent about $5,000 on the enlargement of her lips according to Malay Mail.

But the young woman, who claims to have studied German philology at the university in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, hasn’t had enough.

She wants bigger lips, although doctors advise against further injections. The reason she longs for more is simple: Andrea wants the biggest lips in the world.

But she doesn’t possess the official world record yet but believes she has the “biggest lips in the world”.

“Many men from all over the world would write to me on my social media networks offering me money, trips and inviting me to meetings all the time,” she says.

Several of her followers, who appear to be well versed in the subject, also claim that no one has bigger lips than this 22-year-old.

Trouble eating after the procedures

She describes her lips as “lovely” – and believes that more interventions are waiting.

“Some doctors think I’ve had enough, but my doctor said he will do more injections for me if I wait for at least two months,” she says according to the site.

In connection with the lip enlargements, Andrea now has to make some sacrifices.

“I like my new lips a lot, it was hard to eat after the injection, and two to three days after the procedure gets more difficult. However, there are no restrictions on what I can eat,” she said.

Pays no attention to lips haters

Andrea may have an exterior that stands out, but it’s her body, and therefore, her decision. However, this young woman receives a lot of hate online. Something she mostly tries to ignore.

“I think everyone should look however they want.”

What do you think? Is Andrea doing the right thing by following her dream? Share the article and tell us your opinion!

However, try to keep it civil in the comments section.

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